Thom Latimer Doesnt Know Why Bram Re-Signs With TNA Was A Thing, But Its Funny

TNA Wrestling really must have liked since they re-signed him so much.

You might be familiar with the “Bram re-signs with TNA” meme on social media. There’s been some confusion over the years about why TNA made so many announcements.

TNA announced Bram signed a new contract multiple times in a short amount of time between 2014 and 2015. The late Bob Ryder attempted to clarify why TNA kept giving out new contracts, which led to even more confusion. (Here are announcements 1, 2, 3 and *possibly* 4).

WrestleZone spoke with Thom Latimer ahead of the NWA Samhain pay-per-view and asked for his take on what happened with his contract. Latimer says he still laughs when he sees the “Bram re-signs with TNA” social media posts pop up today. He’s still not sure why there was so much restructuring, citing how often things changed.

“I feel like at the time, there was a lot of restructuring in the company. I don’t know if it was like TV deals or new people taking over or changing networks or whatever. So I feel like there was a lot of other people’s contracts as well getting renegotiated or things like that. It just so happened to be at a time where it felt like it was happening every three seconds. And so I feel like there was a level of that, and then you know how it is. It takes a life of its of its own,” Latimer said.

“I just presumed that I could be totally way off. I don’t know. But it is funny,” he noted. “I see that picture of me and Big on the first day that I got there and signed, so it is funny. Someone else would have to explain it to me, but I just can only presume it was like people were just going, ‘Oh, again.’ It was a thing that kept happening all the time, and so for some reason, mine stuck.”

Bram enjoyed his time in TNA

Thom Latimer says he largely enjoyed his time in TNA, and got there at what some would call the height of its popularity. He wishes he could’ve perhaps gotten there earlier, noting how much changed after he arrived.

“There was a lot of change in that sort of small amount [of time]. I think it’s three, four years I spent there or something, but stuff did change quite rapidly. When I first got there, we’re still on Spike [TV], and we’re getting over a million viewers a week or whatever it was,” Latimer added. “Then [we’re] still doing house shows and things like that, so it was definitely a good time.

“I do wish that I’d have got there a lot earlier just to be able to reap that time frame because I think maybe six months in, then we went to Destination America, I think, and then we went to Pop. There was just a few times that it all sort of kept changing and everyone’s scratching their heads. It’s kind of confusing to people too, when you’re constantly changing and doing this and changing the day that the show is going to be on. People like some stability,” he added. “Even being a talent there, there was there wasn’t that much stability. Obviously, the fans pick up on that, and then once they pick up on that, it spreads. Then it’s a hard thing to shake.”

NWA Samhain takes place on October 28 at TempleLive in Cleveland, Ohio. The event is also available on FITE.

Watch our full interview with Thom Latimer below:
